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As true lovers of the city, we embarked on this Szeged project with great enthusiasm, particularly because documentary filming is a key area of our company. Despite the tight deadline and many external factors, we managed to finish this phenomenal and also authentic film about the history of our beloved city on time. We can proudly say that this unprecedented video piece taught several thousands of young people the modern history of the city of Szeged.
On the occasion of the tercentenary of Szeged becoming a free royal city, a huge cake-shaped structure was erected in the downtown center. One half of the cake contained a screening room, the other half was occupied by an activity space, also designed by Zengo. Our film studio was commissioned to make an informative and entertaining documentary telling the story of the past 300 years of Szeged, in a PR video fashion.
Through a close collaboration with the Ferenc Móra Museum in Szeged, the storyboard was turned into a detailed script. The 20-minute-long film covered a number of important historical events. In order to accommodate the differences within the vast time scale, we decided to apply several techniques – live action sections alternated with animated scenes as well as various photo animation solutions. The historical overview was framed by image-building sequences reinforcing the real Szeged feeling. The piece was presented on an ultra-wide screen (32:10). We can state without the slightest doubt that although working under severe time pressure we enjoyed every moment of this wonderful project.
"Profi csapat, profi együttműködés és kivitelezés. A közös munka során felmerült javaslatainkat, kéréseinket profin megoldották, gördülékenyen ment a kommunikáció. Egy kiváló kisfilm született Szeged történetéről, mely friss, modern, értékes, érdeklődést felkeltő alkotás lett."
Dr. Medgyesi Konstantin - tudományos igazgatóhelyettes, Móra Ferenc MúzeumFilming is our vocation and passion
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